Saturday, October 27, 2007

Half-Life 2: Orange Box

Howdy everyone!

Just thought I'd review a game (or a set of games, rather) I managed to obtain free when I bought my ATI 2900 HD XT. The ATI 2900 HD XT is the latest (at the time of writing) entertainment graphics card from ATI, with 512 MB VRAM and DX 10 support, plus I got mine with the Orange Box, I couldn't be more happy because these games, seriously rock.

Ok, first up the Orange Box consists of 3 games: Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (which is the expansion after HL2 and HL2: E1), Team Fortress 2 (the new version of the old skool Team Fortress HL Mod) and lastly, Portal, a new addition to valve's library of games.

PortalTeam Fortress 2Half-Life 2: Episode 2

I'll be playing the games over the course of the next few days and writing mini reviews on the games I've completed (which at the time of writing, includes only Portal).

Anyway, I highly recommend the Orange Box to any gamer out there. Whether or not you enjoy First Person Shooters, I'm pretty sure you'll love the Orange Box (speaking of which, I'm more of a RTS/RPG kinda gamer). Hey, it 9.5 on, can't go wrong with something like that.

In the meantime, I've included the credits song to Portal on the jukebox. It sounds kinda catchy and you'd get it if you played the game and hopefully, writing this will influence more people to get the Orange Box (and come play TF2 with me. lol).

Bryan Dismas was shot at 6:12 AM


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