Thursday, July 13, 2006

Life is a video game

well, this happened a few days ago, but while i was chatting on msn, it suddenly struck me. life is just a VIDEO GAME. its like, you're the player, and you're in a whole VIRTUAL 3D WORLD :D! anyway, it was really funny seeing how people just slogged through life everyday, and some "emo" people even going: "i hate the world, lets end it now!" (cutting their wrist shortly after that). these people, which i affectionally call "shmeople", have yet to seen the truth, because once you realise life it really a VIDEO GAME, then you start searching for "cheat codes"! (thats like loop holes in the matrix or something)

anyway, heres a rather coool cheat code i know of.

to insult other people and leave them speechless. (or deliver the message that you really don't give a shit) take whatever they say to you, and add a "shm" in front of it, after removing the first alphabet.

for example:
someone: oh my gosh! where are your pants?

don't go:
you: gasp! im pantsless!

you: pants, shmants. who needs em?


Bryan Dismas was shot at 4:29 PM


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